Maintenance Bays

Maintenance Bays





The Royal Air Force Yacht Club will not be held liable for accidents howsoever caused.

  1. The steps and base of the dock are liable to be slippery. Hold the handrail when using the steps.
  2. It is recommended for your own safety to clean the mud off the base of the dock prior to working.
  3. The pressure washer is an industrial unit which develops more pressure than domestic units. Make sure you are braced before operating the trigger.  Do not point the nozzle at other people.  At close range the spray can remove paint, anti-foul, leave track marks etc.
  4. In the interest of good relations with our neighbours Do NOT Use the pressure washer between the hours of 9pm and 6am Monday to Friday or 8pm to 7am Saturday to Sunday for boat maintenance or until 9am for the slipway. We have previously received serious noise complaints.
  5. Ensure that your boat is well secured to the piles or wall so that it cannot fall over, do not leave unattended until settled/dried out.
  6. Use of the pressure washer below the hull waterline is for removal of marine growth only, should visible amounts of anti-foul colour be seen in run-off water into the river stop using – see point 7.
  7. Antifouling – removal/replacement and potential pollution of the river.

The use of maintenance piles for the removal of anti-fouling paint is not encouraged by the River Hamble Harbour Authority – maintenace piles.

The following precautions should be considered:

    1. If scraping a hull try to do so over a tarpaulin or similar, to collect the scrapings. Try to arrange for the vessel to be lifted ashore for this kind of work.
    2. Do not apply to much pressure/force to anti-fouled hull when cleaning it will remove anti-foul paint reducing effectiveness. If run off is heavily coloured you are using too much force, you must stop.
    3. Do not use detergent in washing water.
    4. Try not to work on a rising tide as this will trap residues in the vicinity of the work.
    5. When applying new layers of paint be careful not to spill any into the river. Do not leave paint cans open unless you are working from them, to avoid accidental spillage.
    6. Always apply new paint according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
    7. Dispose of any scrapings, paint tins, brushes and other materials in an appropriate way. Do not put them into rubbish bins unless they are specifically designated for that purpose.
  1. The booking is for the day when entering the docks, leaving on the first high water after 0700 on the following day.
  2. At neap tides it may be impossible to enter or leave the dock, and it may not dry. The sill is approx. 1.7m above Chart Datum and mid-point of the dock slope approx. 2.0m above chart datum.
  3. Please pay before using the dock. Ensure you have a receipt as proof of payment.
  4. If you have any problems, or note any defects please notify one of the Club Officers or Staff
  5. Use of the maintenance bay implies that you agree to abide by the above.

By completing the booking you are acknowledging that you have read and will abide by these terms and conditions.


May 2024

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The Royal Air Force Yacht Club, Riverside House, Rope Walk
Hamble. SO31 4HD +44 (0)23 8045 2208
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